Home » Again, this tag is often misused

Again, this tag is often misused

Many sitemaps use daily for everything, hoping that their content will be review more often.
Others even misspell the text, which is only allow as specifi in the documentation.
And others simply make a big mess of things by making arbitrary labelling, which has nothing to do with the reality of the change in content.

How should we use it?

To start with, let’s not indicate it if we are not willing to work on it well and in a well-automat way (this tag does not help us in static sitemaps.xml). Let’s start from the idea that if he catches us lying in our favor, he will ignore the tag.

Still, in many cases this guideline

Won’t even make sense. How often does content change? The correct thing to do would be to say “never,” but do we want to tell Google that? What if it listen to us and never revisit it? But the truth is that content may never change, and anything gambling data japan other than “never” is lying to the search engine.
In very dynamic listings, a “daily” as oppos to the “never” or “yearly” of the files makes it more than evident that we want more indexing in these dynamic listings.

special data

In practice, we at IKAUE almost never indicate

It because these are very specific nuances and we do not believe that spiders will change their indexing queue due to this directive. But if I were to use it, I would only use it in lists, to mark the difference between those that add new sales technique training elements constantly (daily) and those that only receive new elements every few days (weekly), hoping to better optimize our crawl budget, better detecting new items on the web.

Like the previous ones, this one is also often us very badly

Automatic sitemap generators set our entire site to priority “1.0” which is like saying nothing.
Many SEOs try to take advantage of it to position tg data TOP content that is then not support at all by links, menus, authority, or any other signal.

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