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How to schedule automated emails

In the side menu on the left, select the Design tab to adjust the fonts, titles, colors, borders, and margins of the template.
Once you’ve got your email set up, both in terms of design and content, it’s time to send . To do this, click on the downloadable menu that appears in the top right, click on Send to and select the lists and/or individual contacts you want your email to reach. If you’re particularly interested in not having your email reach a specific person or list, you can exclude them from the Do not send to drop-down menu .

On the right side


you can schedule and send at that moment. In addition, you can also see the total number of recipients who will receive that email.
send email in hubspot

In Hubspot, you can schedule email automations using workflows. To be able to send an email automatically, the first thing you need to do is create an Automated email . Once it’s created and published, you can start working with workflows.

email marketing automation in hubspot

In the HubSpot menu, click Automation > Workflows . There you’ll have the option to choose an existing workflow or create a new one.
Once in the workflow editor, click the + icon to add the action you want mint database your workflow to perform.
In the right panel, click on the Send Email option
Click on + Create a new email


In the panel on the right, enter your email details.

Once you’ve composed your email, click Save Email at the bottom right. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to use that email in any workflow.

How to measure results
Finally, we cannot talk about email marketing in HubSpot without talking about how to measure the results.

In the Analyze section you can obtain metrics, based on the introduction to martech stack date range you choose, such as user interaction (number of emails sent, CTR, Open Rate, etc.), email deliveries made, and email performance depending on the device from which they were viewed, among other things.

Analyze emails in Hubspot


The Status section allows you to review the CTR, bounce rate, open rate and unsubscribes you are experiencing; it shows you if you are achieving your goals as planned, if you need to take any action or if you still have work to do.

Recommendations for email marketing in Hubspot

As you can see, email marketing in HubSpot allows gambler data you to carry out numerous actions with which you can get to know your leads better, personalize campaigns, adapt content to each stage of the buyer journey, automate shipments through workflows, measure and optimize.

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