Home » Buy a fragrant bouquet of flowers for yourself and soak

Buy a fragrant bouquet of flowers for yourself and soak

It on your desk or at home. Write a paper letter about what you would like to be and send it to yourself. Organize a dart competition at work. Give your crush a bait and admit that you’re baiting. Start playing in the city “above ground”, imagine that the pavement is the sea. Offer to play the bottle at the party. Build a pyramid of cards. Test yourself – how long can you hold your breath? Go naked at home.

Find out if you can peel a banana with your toes

Cut your hair very, very short. Try to go 24 hours without sleep. Tear up the magazine and glue the collage elephant. Order business cards with female number data interesting positions: cosmonaut, elephant driver, rallyist, shade calculator… Cut out the letters from the magazine and glue a threatening love letter. Spend the weekend on a completely unplanned trip. Fill up a full tank of gas and drive until you’re half full, then turn around and go back.

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Find a list of restaurants in your city

Choose the restaurant written in point 7 and drive there. Order the entrée on list 7 and eat the dessert on list 7. Get on the train and go explore leveraging telegram for niche marketing the small town. It would be good to bring a camera. Watch TV and repeat everything they say, just do it with an American or Italian accent. Concentrate and imagine that the people of the whole world have disappeared. Only you are left. Where will you go now and what will you do?

Call a friend just to say “I’m sorry, but I can’t talk right now:” and hang up

Go into the office of an important colleague and turn on/off the light 10 times without reacting to what is being said to you, then say “Hmm… very strange” and go back to the workplace. Tell everyone around you that you will not be able material data to say a word for the next 12 hours and shut up. If you want to say something, start with the phrase “My mommy always says…”. Ask the other half to read the story to you. Tell the cows and you ME when they are mooing on you. Buy crayons and go outside to draw on the tiles.

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