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Change and innovation in today’s business

Lithuanian entrepreneurs go to areas where there are many competitors. Those areas are no longer niche businesses. If there are already 10 wineries, then 11 are open, but how efficient and useful is this? But creativity for creativity’s sake is a mistake. It is important to justify creativity. You can also make a triangular door, but who nes it? Unplann growth of the company in terms of human resources.

They want a lot of income and little to hire

Simply free to plan human resources. Going to market with old products. This is because of weak marketing. Facts about the situation in female number data Lithuania: Lithuania is one of the countries with the youngest entrepreneurs. 18-24 year olds are the most creative. Lithuania leads in terms of the number of intrapreneurial people. An intrapreneurial person is an enterprising employee who is afraid of making mistakes and develops a business under the employer’s “roof”.

special data

Pay attention to the well-being of employees

If a person is tir, then perhaps he is already thinking about his business. They want to build their own business and be independent and telegram vs. other social media platforms: marketing comparison sometimes have more knowlge than managers. There is a lack of people who have “mix” ucation. For example, diplomas from both social and exact sciences. Migrant people are more entrepreneurial. It is possible to do business with those people who emigrat. Or to have at least one foreigner at work, then you would see things differently. Large companies dominate in Lithuania, while small ones have to find a niche for themselves.

Services are not develop in Lithuania

We lag behind in terms of service quality. Social material data trust is perverse. We don’t trust each other. TYPES OF INNOVATIONS PRODUCT INNOVATIONS SERVICE INNOVATIONS PROCESS INNOVATIONS MANAGER EXECUTIVES OF INNOVATION GENERATORS OF IDEAS Every innovation requires innovative management, so you ne to prepare a manager, remove your fears and then start acting creatively. We should think about what type of innovation you belong to and who you are.

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