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Creativity exercises

Let’s awaken our creativity. According to scientist and inventor win H. Land, uncreativity is learn. Children have no problem with imagination. First of all, you ne to separate the idea from the form of execution. If you thought of presenting an existing thing in a different way, it does not mean that there is a new idea, it means that you have creat a new form of performance. Invention is when things are creat that can be appli. We will share a few tasks that activate the creative process.

Task I: You are in prison and the warden is watching you to keep you awake for an hour

What can be done to prevent the caretaker from seeing you sleep? Answer: They can be various and all right: turn away, draw eyes. However, this question tries to activate the creative process, and the most important thing is to identify the advertising database problem very well. Imagination makes it possible to see what is not there today. And we’d like to introduce the Pudding Challenge – a drawing Task II: Look at the drawing from all sides and then draw the elements to have something concrete.

special data

Limits exist only in the mind

Later you can watch the video and understand how fickle the imagination can be. The most important rule – Creativity cannot be where we know introduction to martech stack the answer. Watch the video Creativity test: What do you see? The test shows how free our mind is to see several things in one drawing.

Tool Research questions:

What are my socks? What could a sock design look like to be weird? What else could socks look like if you hadn’t seen them before. This tool material data also helps to unleash creativity as you can fantasize and think whatever you want. This is how the most unexpect, but also the most brilliant ideas are born, such as – a drinker for a person, and from the bottom for a dog, a chair with a cut-out part for hanging a handbag.

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