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Feedback can be a two-way street too

Not only is it important for managers to provide feedback to employees regularly, but employees should offer their managers periodic feedback as well. Doing so helps everyone improve and succeed in their job performance. This also provides managers with clues to how they are hindering or supporting their subordinates’ work and how they can remove any obstacles to their success.

Feedback Elevates Engagement

Providing employees with regular feedback is essential to their professional growth, and most employees crave feedback. As such, consistent communication between employees and their managers is typically connected to higher engagement. When done right, it can motivate staff to perform better and can be a tool for building and maintaining communication with team members. A strong performance management program, can assist in promoting and improving employee engagement, involving a continuous process in which managers and staff work together to plan, monitor and review individual contributions to the agency.

Feedback is a Tool for Career Development

Being a manager isn’t easy, and it requires a diverse skill set which includes the ability to communicate clearly. Sizeable government organizations—NASA and the FBI, for instance—are retooling their approach to performance ig database management and the employee review process. According to the Harvard Business Review, they’ve concluded that “accountability should be collective and that supervisors need to do a better job of coaching and developing their subordinates.”

special data

Using an efficient government HR system

facilitates accurately tracked price tricks in marketing documentation, employee development and two-way communication. An HR system will encourage HR team members tg data to be a resource for employees and managers in progress tracking and improving skills. They also aid managers in creating individual development plans which typically include training, career goals and helping employees learn role-supportive knowledge. Training programs, in particular, will contribute to developing the employee career track and increase their loyalty with the agency and their manager.

Finally, an effective performance management

system empowers managers to set expectations, provide regular informal feedback and support employee development. When done well, a performance management program along with consistent communication between employees and managers, contributes to employee growth as well as achieving the agency’s mission.

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