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For example, in our domain ruweb

There are formally two levels: “ruweb” is the second, “net” is the first, and there is also a zero level – this is the dot at the very end, which is usually not written. All levels have corresponding DNS servers. When you enter a website address into your browser, the browser makes a DNS request to the nearest resolver server. Usually, it belongs to your Internet provider.

If it has information about the requir IP address

It returns it to the browser and the site opens. If not, it means that it ne s to contact a server at a higher level of the hierarchy. This is also done rich people number data by the resolver. It forwards your request to the root DNS server (level zero). It searches for the address of a suitable TLD server (level one) — for example, in the case of ruweb.net, it will be the NET server — and passes it on to the resolver. The request is then sent to the receiv address, where information about the corresponding authoritative server is search for level two.

special data

Having receiv its IP address, the resolver sends the request one last time

If the site’s IP address is found, it reports it to the browser. If the NS has no data about the request domain, it means that it does not exist. How DNS works. Image by vectorjuice on Freepik. DNS Server Record Types DNS servers contain telegram vs. other social media platforms: marketing comparison data about domains in the form of special records, they are call resource records. A set of such records about one domain name is call a DNS zone. It includes such resource records as: A — Associates the domain with the IP address where the web server serving the site is locat.

The A record is the most important and contains

The address in IPv4 format. AAAA – performs buying house b the same function as A, but here the IP address is specifi in IPv6 format MX – indicates the mail server that handles incoming email for this domain. CNAME — allows you to link an alternative name for a domain, usually us to attach subdomains. So, you can link the web address ruweb net and the site for the domain name ruwebnet.

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