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I don’t have that magic touch

I’ll leave you with a screenshot of the composition and I won’t go into more details because it doesn’t have much special to offer except for having launch my beautiful Ableton Push 3 , which is a delightful instrument.

And we finish with the last AI: AI Mastering

I was never particularly good at mastering tracks. Yes, you learn to make sure that the kick and bass don’t overlap too much, to EQ a bit and fill out frequencies, but that makes the sound completely professional. So I said to myself… Where there are 4 AIs, there can’t be 5? Of course there are.

The tool I chose was AI Mastering

Which is still available for free today. It is not a mastering expert, but it is much better than me, that’s for sure. I export the song in “wav” format with botim database high quality and let the AI ​​create the master. The first version was very saturat, so I smooth it out and repeat the process. And that’s it! Finish track and many hours sav.

special data


The song was first upload

To SoundCloud and as expect… nobody listen to it (I think 6 users). That’s what happens if you have 3 people following you. Then all that was left feedback can be a two-way street too was to add the video to upload it to YouTube . I tri to finish the play with AI but the result was pathetic, so I finish my belov one with Render Forest and from there to YouTube. I hope you lik the song and had fun listening to the lyrics.

It was written with a lot of love

I think it reflects very well what it’s like to be at SEonthebeach. I’ve also written this post so that the most curious of you can see how AI is already starting to be able to help not only with code, text and images, but also to spe up music production processes, even if they are amateur. We believe that it only affects what we deal with every day, but this is snbd host going to revolutionize all the markets and processes that exist.

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