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If you don’t identify opportunities, you’ll never make many sales

Prospecting is a daily activity of a salesperson, regardless of what work results you have achiev that day, how many deals you have conclud. Those who understand this simple rule make a sales career. This section describes several ways to help you find opportunities. This will explain in detail how best to use the simple phrase we introduc earlier, a phrase that can quell many of the refrains encounter in telemarketing.

TWENTYFIVEONETWO THREE Spying on the phone requires.

A certain persistence, a certain “arrival”. This is not aggressiveness, not belligerence, but self-confidence and not being afraid to hear overseas chinese data a few “no” before you get one “yes”. Fortunately, it’s not difficult at all. I’m going to give you a formula that I discover after years of working with thousands of sellers. This formula shows what results can be expect from telephone prospecting. Here she is: 20 : 5 : 1 / 2 / 3 What does this mean?

special data

This means that, typically, a good salesperson will talk to twenty decision-makers

Then meet with five of them in person, and introduction to martech stack after those five meetings, depending on the individual circumstances and market conditions, make 1-3 sales deals. Remember – twenty people with a decision vote. This formula does not include interviews with secretaries or other intermiaries. This seemingly simple formula provides a lot of information.

For example, if your task is to meet fifteen people a week

Then in order to arrange fifteen meetings, you material data ne to make sixty calls (the same 4 : 1 ratio as in the 20 : 5 : 1 / 2 / 3 formula). Also, means that out of those fifteen meetings, depending on the circumstances, 3-9 sales will be made. The point of this formula, like the entire chapter, is that sales don’t fall from the sky. It is decid by meetings, which in turn depend on telephone conversations. Hence, good telephone prospecting techniques can (and must) be the cornerstone of successful sales.

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