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Inability to control

This means that it is impossible to predict what reaction a meme will cause in the audience. There are as many opinions as there are people. If one person Inability to finds a post funny and amusing.

Rapid loss of relevance.

In most cases, memes that a month ago were luxembourg cell phone number list gaining hundreds of millions of reactions and were posted on every self-respecting resource are no longer relevant today. Bcause the public has become “bored”. The best time to work with them in advertising is the first weeks after the “shot”. Because then they will be skipped by readers automatically. However, there are exceptions that remain at the top for years.

Three Rules for Using Memes in Advertising

This is not for everyone.

The use of memes in advertising campaigns will be optimal when working with a young audience that spends a significant amount of time on social networks. However, every year the age indicators of web servers are growing, and today we can already say that the 35+ generation is well versed in trends. And if this trend continues. Soon we will be able to talk about working with an audience of 60+.

Efficiency Inability to

Funny images that gain popularity at a tremendous speed also lose it at the same speed. So using a meme that caused a stir in 2015 would not be the smartest decision.

This doesn’t work everywhere.

Such promotion is relevant in informal margaret fuesy consultor de relaciones públicas y marketing channels – social networks, banners. Mailings and other places where they will be appropriate. These should be sites where the audience is relaxed and tuned to a positive perception of information. Especially humorous. If we talk about the classic understanding of the word advertising (TV, print, outdoor), then such messages stand out sharply and can be ambiguously received.

Although, if you look at the cases of major brands. Outdoor advertising increasingly resorts to the use of popular funny pictures.

Another important feature is a conscious choice of meme. It is important not to just grab a “hype” picture and write the name of your business brazil data there, no. It is necessary to analyze what reaction you expect from the audience, decide whether Inability to this content is suitable for harmoniously implementing your idea with the help of this meme. Do not forget that different people have different senses of humor, and their reaction should work for a positive result.

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