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Invest in after-sales service

To improve your website’s conversion rate, one tip is to do A/B testing, modifying, for example, the Call-to-Action, colors, layout and other elements of the pages.

Learn more: What is A/B Testing and what can you test?

After-sales service plays an important role in reducing customer acquisition costs, as it also helps in customer loyalty.

The company can provide quality support, show the customer how to make better use of the product or service, give gifts to long-standing customers, create post-sale content, among other strategies.

5. Take advantage of current customers


Have you thought about leveraging your current customers to attract new ones and thus reduce your customer acquisition costs?

Using your current customer base costs much less teacher database than attracting new customers from scratch! If your current customers are loyal , they can refer friends and family to the company. So, take advantage of your most evangelistic customers to attract other potential customers.

6. Reduce the cancellation fee

The reduction in the cancellation rate (the dreaded Churn ) is also related to the reduction in CAC.

Churn customers are usually those who did not see the value in the product or service and were not loyal, which goes against what is recommended to reduce customer acquisition cost. Therefore, reducing churn should be part of your strategy.

teacher database

7. Make good content


Content can be low quality for a number of reasons: it is poorly written, superficial, unrelated to the problems your potential customers actually face, or it does not fit the company’s strategy.

When it meets all these prerequisites and is therefore of linkedin for business: how to use this network for your business? quality, content helps attract the best potential customers to your blog or other channels. These materials meet the needs of these people, making them see your company as an authority and recognize, in your product or service, a solution to their difficulties.

In addition to attraction, good content serves to nurture these contacts throughout the funnel, increasing the chances of them reaching the bottom and becoming customers. And the best part is that the same content can be used multiple times, which also reduces costs.

In the end

Ultimately, you will discover a new way to generate new fans data business. It may be difficult to adapt, but it is certainly harder to continue with a strategy that is bringing in losses. The actions I mentioned here are just a few of the ones you can take.

Think broadly about how you can spend less to acquire a new customer and how you can earn more from them. In our blog, we talk about different ways to do that with Inbound Marketing. Find your formula and put it on paper to make sure you’re being realistic.

Do you know any other practices to improve this balance? Share them with us in the comments!

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