What is a DNS server and what is it for?

Many modern people and companies cannot imagine life and business without the Internet, but few people think about how it works. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a key technology that allows us to find websites and web applications by their letter addresses. Without it, we would have to use complex digital combinations call IP addresses.

DNS servers are links in this system, storing information about all web projects in the world

They are ne for the Internet to work the way it does now. Understanding DNS is essential for anyone who wants to have their own website. In this gambling number data article, we explain in simple terms DNS servers, resource records, and why they should be set up. What is a DNS server in simple terms A DNS server is a special computer that stores data on the correspondence between domain names of websites and the IP addresses of the devices that these websites serve.

special data

It has special software install that allows the server to accept and make DNS requests

DNS means address to the domain name system: for example, a request to provide the IP address of a specific domain. Regular servers cannot leveraging telegram for niche marketing process DNS requests unless they are configur . Simply put, a DNS server is an analogue of a telephone directory for the Internet – only instead of contact names, domains are us (for example, ruweb.net), and instead of phone numbers – IP addresses (for example,

Both are unique, so there is no confusion

Despite the global scale of the computer buying house b network “Internet”. To make it clearer, let’s figure out what DNS, domains and IP addresses are in principle. What is a DNS server and what is it for? Image by Freepik. Each device on the network has its own identification number (IP address), which allows other devices to recognize it.

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