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Maximize your Campaign Ratios

The way your email looks can determine whether that message will convert or end up in the trash. For example, if your customer couldn’t see the action button that encourages them to buy the offer you’re promoting in your piece, what would happen? You’d lose the sale!

By making it accessible from multiple mobile devices and applications, respo overseas data nsive design improves the overall performance of your email marketing pieces . In other words, you’ll get better open rates , click rates , and a better ROI .

Tips for Implementing It

Using responsive design in your campaigns can mean a qualitative leap for your strategy . However, implementing it correctly can be quite a challenge. Keep the following tips in mind:

overseas data

Summon those who know
It’s time to work as a team! After clearly defining the objectives from a marketing perspective, gather your team together and communicate the plan to them .

Given its initial complexity, make sure before making the decision that the designer in charge of developing this type of HTML has knowledge in the subject.

Test Before Sending

As we always tell you, in Email Marketing it is essential to test the performance of your responsive HTML pieces on different devices and applications .

Doppler Tip : Test your campaigns twice. On the one hand, with the power of Doppler’s A/B Test campaigns , you can check the difference in terms of performance between a campaign with classic HTML and a responsive one .

On the other hand, it is important that you do not leave any detail to chance and m   cnb directory   ake sure that “technically” your responsive HTML adapts efficiently to any medium.

Optimize your Landing Pages and Website as well
Not only is it important to optimize your campaigns for any device, but you sh what is amp and how does it work?  ould also take into account your landing pages where you direct the links in your emails and your website as a whole.

It will do you no good to have your email made with responsive HTML if, when clicking on the link from a mobile device, subscribers have difficulty viewing the content you prepared especially for them.



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