Home » November offers you opportunities that you should take advantage of

November offers you opportunities that you should take advantage of

Once again we are presented with the opportunity to change the world. Maybe not everyone, but at least our world, which is no small thing.

It is not easy to change, but it is worth it.

1 Focus and organization
2 Change something small
3 Do something new in your business

Focus and organization

I am clear about one of my main problems. You have to start somewhere. I am clear that I need a greater focus on the things I do. With focus accurate mobile phone number list comes the ambition to do one thing especially well. Focus also requires a high level of organization. It is something that I have always been good at, although I like less and less the feeling of overwhelm that it generates. It seems that I cannot live without it in order to be happy. Yesterday was a holiday and I was in a bad mood. I had the feeling that the day was not well spent, neither in activities with the family, nor in sports, etc.


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Change something small

I am more than a fan of this philosophy. I am a faithful believer and follower of the power of change in small things. With it comes the discipline things we have improved since we became a normal company of focusing on details. I had a good example of this two days ago. I presented the results of the market study again, but this time it was done at level 9-10. It is clear that the investment of time has far exceeded what we have billed the client, but it has been more of an investment because it is an interesting potential client. There is another simple example that I have recently realized. We have started to document everything in our company. This small detail will make us go up a level.

Doing something new in your business

Routines are important but they are also boring. I need to feel that feeling of insecurity when you do new things. It can go well or it can go wrong. It is material data best to do it with low risk. We participated in an offline event. It is something new for us who come from 100% digital. We have realized the value it brings and we will surely repeat it. You do not have to leave your office or home. You can do small things like lower or raise prices of a product to see the impact.

You have work to do. So do I. We will turn this November into the best month of all time. It is in our hands.

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