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Speechwriter: skills, personal qualities, career prospects

What does the word “speechwriter” mean? It can be translat from English as “speech writer”. In our country, this term has been us since the nineties, but even now there is no official position with this name in government agencies. As a rule, representatives of the speechwriter profession are call referents. At the same time, there are many examples of such specialists working in Soviet times.

They were the ones who wrote Nikita Khrushchev’s famous speech, revealing the problems of Stalin’s personality cult, which was deliver at the 20th Congress of the CPSU. According to available information, its text was compos at the Volynskoye state dacha.

The task of a speechwriter is to write texts for

various speeches. At the same time, the speech should not only be interesting for the audience, but also form the desir impression on the listeners. A speechwriter is a specialist with knowlge and experience in such areas as political science, psychology, literature and oratory.

Who is a speechwriter?
Who is a speechwriter?
To understand the direction of the speech and its purpose, it is necessary to negotiate with the customer. During the conversation, the speechwriter finds out what ideas the politician, public figure israel whatsapp number data or businessman is trying to express in his speech. Then he moves on to writing the text, which will present a detail vision of the issues rais.

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The speechwriter must take into account the characteristics of the audience to which the client’s speech will be direct. Understanding its interests, he can use various techniques of stylistic design of speech.

It can include aphorisms

proverbs and anecdotes in accordance with the nature of the upcoming speech.
After the draft of the each profile must have a photo to avoid appearing fake speech is compil, it is agre upon with the client. Since the speechwriter is preparing the text for a specific speaker, he must adapt it to the peculiarities of the vocabulary of such a person. During cg leads the approval of the material, the specialist carefully listens to the wishes of the client, and then finalizes the future speech.

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