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The requirements for image content

Meanwhile, for Carousel Video, the requirements that must be met are a maximum video resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels, a minimum video resolution of 600 x 600 pixels, a minimum video duration of 3 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds, and a maximum video file size of 4GB, and a maximum frame rate of 30 fps. 4. Instagram Stories Ads Instagram Stories Ads is a type of Instagram Ads that allows business people to choose to advertise with image content format options (single image stories) and video content (single video stories) .  that must be met are the recommended image size of 1080 x 1920 pixels and the recommended image ratio of 9:16.

The requirements for video content

That must be met are the video usa telegram data file formats .MOV, .MP4, .GIF, recommended video size ratio 9:16, maximum video duration 15 seconds, and recommended minimum video resolution 720p, and maximum video size 2.3 Gigabytes. Conclusion That was what Instagram Ads is. Complete with how it works and the types of Instagram Ads. IDwebhost will always share useful articles related to your business development. In addition, we also provide website creation services, cheap hosting and domains, online promotion services and so on. Hopefully this article can help!Nowadays, the term digital literacy is often uttered by several parties, including the government.

Awareness about digital

Literacy is spread not without reason, because in the era of technology like today, the ability to filter accurate information is very necessary. The rapid flow of information also increases the opportunity for the spread of hoaxes on the internet , which can damage social order and even have psychological impacts, especially for teenagers who tend to be easily influenced by information without filtering it first. Therefore, good digital literacy is the key to helping society, especially the younger generation, in facing various challenges in the digitalization era. However, what exactly is digital literacy? Contents [ show ] Digital Literacy is Digital literacy is an essential skill in the modern era that relates to understanding and using digital technology and media wisely, safely, and efficiently.

Literally, ‘literacy’ is often

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Associated with the ability to read monitoring engagement rates helps and write. However, in the digital context , literacy extends beyond these boundaries. According to Devri Suherdi in his book The Role of Digital Literacy in the Pandemic Era (2021), digital literacy includes knowledge and skills in utilizing digital media, such as communication tools and internet networks. These skills include the ability to find, evaluate, use, and create digital content intelligently and appropriately according to needs. Thus, digital literacy is not only about using technology, but also how its use is adjusted to a specific context and purpose, with caution in filtering information.

This ability covers several aspects,

from online ethics , cybersecurity, to the b2b reviews ability to use digital platforms for communication and work. 4 Pillars of Digital Literacy There are four pillars of digital literacy that are often echoed by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo). Quoting the statement of the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government’s Communication and Information Service, Muhammad Faisal via diskominfo.kaltimprov.go.id , it was stated that the 4 pillars include: Competent Digital Media, Digital Media Culture, Safe Digital Media, and Ethical Digital Media . Furthermore, the following is a review of each pillar: Digital Media Skills Faisal said, being digitally proficient includes the ability to communicate and interact wisely through digital media, such as social media and online discussions .

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