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They cause downtime in a system that is essential

To the operation of the objectionable institution, government, or political party. Masking another attack. It also happens that a DDoS attack is just a distraction design to hide the hacker’s real goal: for example, hacking a server to steal confidential data. Entertainment. Novice cybercriminals may perform DDoS for fun, to show off, or to practice their skills. Some simply enjoy watching their actions disrupt other people’s projects.

In other words, anyone can become a victim

Of a DDoS attack, regardless of the scale and direction of activity. This means that everyone ne s to build protection. Protection against DDoS attacks overseas chinese data It is impossible to protect against distribut denial of service completely, once and for all. But it is necessary to r uce the possibility of its occurrence as much as possible, and for this it is necessary to create a multi-level security system. Firstly, there are specializ services and devices that help detect and prevent attacks.

special data

They work at the network level and allow identifying and blocking illegitimate traffic

These are various monitoring systems, firewalls, hardware and software systems such as DefensePro and Impletec iCore. Protection against DDoS attacks. Image by storyset on Freepik. It also makes sense to use content delivery networks (CDN) to introduction to martech stack distribute traffic across their servers, thereby r ucing the load on your own system. By the way, the entire IT infrastructure should be distribut in principle. This means, among other things, storing important parts of the project on different IP addresses.

Performance optimization can also r uce the likelihood

Of a successful DDoS attack. This includes increasing the bandwidth, improving network settings, increasing server performance, etc. The buying house b domain name system plays a major role in the operation of web resources, so it is important to secure its nodes in your infrastructure. In particular, DNS servers should be configur to protect against requests for address substitution. Another important aspect of DDoS protection is proactive planning.

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