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Tips to bring your content back to life

#1 Don’t change the URL
The idea is to keep old content from causing you to drop in rankings when updates come. Plus, it’s much easier to promote this type of content than to come up with new, original ideas.

Why shouldn’t you change your URL? Because it will help you keep all your authority in one place. You don’t have to start over completely, and you avoid competing with yourself.

#2 Update keywords
The way users search changes over time. That’s the magic of the world of online marketing. And the keywords that used to guide your article may no longer be useful and you may have to choose others.

Therefore, you should be aware

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A of these changes and update your keywords to reposition your conte updated 2024 mobile phone number data nt. It is very likely that the user is looking for the same information as your old article, but with different keywords.

#3 Renew the call to action
With content recovery and optimization, what you have to do is change the call to action to convert that passive reader into an active one. This can be done if you have a new product or service to promote. The most important thing is that the user who accesses your optimized article has the necessary options to remain linked to your business.

#4 Re-promote

Once the content is relevant to readers again, it is important to spread the word. What ws data  is this about? Using all the media at your disposal to make it known: social networks, groups and sites of interest. In this way, you offer a product that was once dead and is now competing again in search engines.

You must create a message for Facebook and Twitter, add it  what can my app have or do? to your Newsletter and, depending on the relevance of the content, give it a privileged place on your Website. Making optimized content visible is the final step to give value to what was old and seemed to be obsolete.

Is all old content still valid?
While these strategies can bring sensational results, there are elements that should be removed from a site. You should not leave content linked to offers on products that no longer exist , profiles of former employees or executives, job postings or entries that are similar or duplicated.

Your old content can continue to work for your brand’s positioning if you take care to optimize it. You must value the effort already made and not let the work carried out for years die out. Remember! Good ideas never die . It is easier to make the most of a great idea than to have one every day.

What you should keep in mind is that optimizing your content can be just as fundamental as creating new materials .

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