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To see from how many hops

There are many strategies of this type that can be implement. You can even play with changing the pattern by which we divide these sitemaps. Think, for example, about running Screaming Frog, extracting the URLs by crawl distance from the home page and uploading a temporary sitemap according to crawl distance  the indexation begins to suffer. We extract the data, activate it and then go back to using the usual sitemaps.

Another option is to simply

Track this data each week and observe how indexing improves or worsens by areas of the website.

You can host sitemaps outside of your domain.
Some people may have rais an eyebrow when reading this title… And this is strange but it has huge advantages, especially if you manage SEO from outside the website (as a freelancer, agency, consultancy, etc.). I would never recommend hosting the general sitemap of your site on.

A domain other than the

one of the site itself, but for certain actions and tests it is very useful to have the possibility of being able to upload it without bothering the developers of the website. Just think about many of the possibilities we have discuss in this post and you home owner database will see that having a space where you do not depend on IT to upload certain sitemaps under your control will allow you to carry out more actions (or at least more quickly) of this type.


special data


The idea is simple: apart from

The website’s own sitemaps, I want to be able to upload sitemaps that are not host on that domain. Where will they be host? Well, on a domain of mine, one where I don’t depend on IT and I can spe up certain actions while IT responds to the one way they can do this is by utilizing a guides and functionalities that we have given them.

This is document in this UR

Basically allows us to upload a domain’s sitemap in the normal way, just by indicating URLs of other domains within the sitemap.

To do this,  the user who uploads the sitemap.xml an ADMIN of the Google Search Console for both domains. So, in reality, nothing prevents us tg data from creating a dumb domain (sitemaps-seo.mydomain.com), registering it in GSC and uploading our own sitemaps.xml for our clients. This is only if they have given us privileges over their own GSCs.

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