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The methodology can be adapted to suit yourself

The contrary, he starts with small ones first, to get ready for work – and doesn’t have time to complete the most important ones. Any of the options sooner or later leads to an inadequate workload, when the employee sits at work until late, puts off tasks for the weekend, does not have time to do personal matters and gets twice as tired. He gets angry at himself, nervous that he is letting down the team and management.

A few weeks at this pace – and hello, burnout

To avoid this, you need to implement planning. But you need to approach qatar phone number library it wisely. A simple to-do list is not enough. If an employee incorrectly estimates the workload, he will include an excessive number of tasks in the plan and still not have time. Or he will procrastinate, not understanding which task to start with. This will not allow you to plan either long-term or for one working day. To achieve an adequate workload and perform work comfortably, you can plan tasks using the “1-3-5” method. We’ll tell you.

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What is the essence of the “1-3-5” method?

“1-3-5” is a universal method for short-term planning. The essence of the method is to select only 9 tasks from a large number and divide them by priority: 1 – the largest and most important; 3 – medium in importance; 5 – small. There is one priority task per day. It is accompanied by those that will not take much document track and share their effort, but also need to be completed. A total of 9 tasks – this is enough to manage to do the most important things and remain productive all day. The key principle of planning using the 1-3-5 method is to include only urgent and necessary tasks in the list.

If we constantly postpone unpleasant tasks

We will again end up in chaos from missed deadlines. Ideally, you need to buy lead manage to do all 9 tasks in a day. But if you can’t, don’t worry. You can reduce the tasks: for example, do 2 medium-importance tasks instead of 3, or 4 small tasks instead of 5. taking into account force majeure and the specifics of the work. It is important to estimate in advance the time needed to complete each task. If you understand that the primary task is unlikely to leave time for small ones, postpone the latter to another day.

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