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Traveling back in time to give me advice when I was still 18

Some time ago I hired two young entrepreneurs who had set up a small business, so to speak: mowing the lawn, painting, assembling furniture, etc. All kinds of jobs that you often don’t have time to do yourself. I hired them to coordinate all the work that had to be done for the premises in Germany. They did a good job.

When they asked me if they could invite me to dinner

I immediately said “yes.” I wouldn’t do it with just anyone, obviously, but they have earned my trust and respect. That day they told me they were telegram database users list turning to a digital marketing agency. A sudden change, but it made sense because they realized how good they were at promoting themselves on social media. The bad thing is that their business has a ceiling and in the end, after working up to 16 hours a day, they couldn’t keep up.


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It was clear that they wanted more than just dinner with me

For less than 20 euros, they had me available the most used social networks in 2019 for more than two hours to ask me all kinds of questions. It was a good deal, you can tell they are good at doing numbers.

One of those questions was this: what kind of advice would you give yourself at 18 years old with the experience you have now so that you are not afraid and can succeed faster?

The truth is that I had never asked material data myself this kind of question. Especially because I am not one of those people who look back saying things like “I wish…”. I am happy with the age I am and the stage of life I am in. I have no need to be 20 or 30 years old again.

But I told them this.

1 On being afraid.
2 On going faster
3 On knowing when to quit

On being afraid

The truth is that I have never felt it. In the end you have to ask yourself this question. What do you have to lose at 20 and a few years old? Really little or nothing. You are in the perfect stage of your life to do experiments. Things can go wrong. As long as you don’t go into debt completely, you can start from scratch several times. That’s for sure. Don’t ask the bank for a quote like I’m doing. You have to be very sure of what you’re doing to take that step.

In the end, they suggested that I get in touch with another entrepreneur they had a relationship with. I said, “Sure. Why not?”

It was also interesting for me to reflect on this and other questions. At least it gave me something to think about.

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