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Trends in business management systems

Research questions: What are my socks? What could a sock design look like to be weird? What else could socks look like if you hadn’t seen them before. This tool also helps to unleash creativity as you can fantasize and think whatever you want. This is how the most unexpect, but also the most brilliant ideas are born, such as – a drinker for a person, and from the bottom for a dog, a chair with a cut-out part for hanging a handbag.

An exercises that develop our imagination and help us find solutions:

Exercise I – create during sleep: Put a sheet with the problem Fall asleep Wake up alone Write everything down immiately Exercise II – look female number data for associations. Pick up any book and put your finger on it and then think associatively why it fits. Exercise III – close your eyes and draw a portrait of yourself with all the details. Exercise IV – 10 min – write 100 associations and you can do it only once a month.

special data

So, after receiving the task

Clearly name the problem and leave it in the mind, and then the thoughts come. GOOD is the enemy of GREAT. And finally, an example of an idea marketing elements in business that is really evaluat ambiguously – From asshole to hero. 5 out of 4 people don’t notice it. The goal of a modern, modern business management system (BMS) is to serve customers as best as possible and adapt technology to their needs.

VVS creates an opportunity not only

To collect and automatically process the necessary customer data in one place, but also provides an opportunity to create a personalized or material data even emotional connection with the customer, in search of common interests, to achieve common goals. Over the years, VVS technology has grown rapidly and expanded its capabilities. In the late 1980s, companies used front-office applications such as contact management software to store and manage contact data.

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