Home » University Websites – Home Page Design

University Websites – Home Page Design

Time for the next instalment of our series on University Website Design!

Previously we considered

the particular challenges facing a university website, and how these are dealt with on the home page.

This week, we shall be looking at the inner pages, and the design canada phone number data strategies being used to handle the volume and.

Complexity of information being communicated and the wide variety of visitors using the site.

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Reflecting the institution itself.

Because a university’s website has to combine a number of different areas – a varied range of academic departments.

Research, history and outlook of the institution, and so on – the website can be seen.

As a large web of websites all connected via the home page.

As a result, the visitor


might have to go quite far into the website to find what they need, so the design of the inner pages needs.

To support the depth of such a journey.

In this respect, the inner pages have not only to be attractive and functional.

But also, and perhaps more crucially, to make sure the visitor.

Doesn’t get lost and that they can easily retrace their steps.

The worst case scenario would be to get further into the site but lose all a comprehensive guide to developing sense that where you arrive is related to where you started out.

Ease of navigation is therefore of prime importance, particularly if you are setting out from a very striking home page.

The inner pages of Oxford University’s website look dramatically different from the turkey data  front page, but a continuation of the Oxford Blue in the header and the strong placement of the main navigation on the top bar makes the potential confusion of moving between the two minimal.


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