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Very often the discussions around government

Performance management (PM) programs focus on the annual performance appraisal. Discussions with senior HR leaders or agency PM SOPs usually focus on how to cascade organizational goals into performance elements, how to rate elements accurately, etc. While the annual performance appraisal is an important moment in the performance management process, federal agencies that are trying to maximize their limited resources would be well served by shifting the conversation from their annual performance review practices to how to give timely, high quality feedback in real-time.

Feedback Increases Motivation

Management in the public sector and government agencies is a different ball game compared to management in private sector. Government managers need their workforces to be highly engaged and motivated if they are to succeed. However, according to a Harvard Business Review study, motivating government staff is particularly challenging due to many factors—such as their hard-to-measure achievements. To ensure the agency and its mission are running as efficiently as possible, managers need to engage employees with regular and consistent feedback.

Continuous performance monitoring with regular,

Effective feedback will produce optimal outcomes. Through improved employee observation, managers can gain a full understanding gcash phone number of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, help them to grow and develop with the agency, and thus increase their motivation to succeed.

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Feedback Enhances Performance

Feedback is critical to improving also, the first hour after the post is releas is especially important performance. Although feedback can often be mistaken as criticism, well-delivered constructive criticism can help to produce better deci. Jsions and improve performance.
Two points can maximize the value of your con. Jstructive tg data criticism: (1) manager feedback needs to be frequent and of high quality, and (2) man. Jagers need to be confident enough to provide honest feedback, even when it’s unpleasant or challenging. Falling short on timely, honest constructive criticism will either leave employees without the know. Jledge that their performance must improve, or stifle their efforts to change due to the lack of specific inform. Jation on what will help them meet expectations.

This kind of candid, personal feedback is

important to an employee’s growth, as well as the overall succ. Jess of the agency. Nevertheless, the feedback needs to be delivered in a safe environment and the em. Jployee should not be taken by surprise.

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