Home » Post » We love infographics: roundup of the top 12 infographics of the last 6 months

We love infographics: roundup of the top 12 infographics of the last 6 months

The end of the year is here again, and with it a good dose of infographics , which we have been collecting for you for the whole six months on two websites: you can find the Czech (and sometimes Slovak) ones at ČeskéInfografiky.cz , and the English ones from around the world at NejInfografiky.cz .

1) Trees in Slovakia

Along with that, we manage a Pinterest account , where you can f netherlands whatsapp number data ind other interesting infographics from the world and from the Czech Republic, and if you still haven’t had enough, you can also visit our FB page , where you can find other great infographics.

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We will start with a Slovakian infographic that processes the statistics of forest stands in our neighbors . Are you interested in how many people work in this industry, whi fully trust that this research ch types of trees you can find in Slovakia and how much oxygen they produce? View the infographic and equip yourself with knowledge for your next vacation.


2) 63 skills of the right marketer
Now to the topic, which is certainly a little closer to you. How many skills do you think someone working in marketing should have? Please try to list them and then find material data the ones that match the ones in the infographic , where you can find all 63 of them ! And how many of them sat on you?


3) How do Czechs buy food online?

A detailed survey of how Czechs feel about buying food online. Which is becoming more and more widespread in our country. Have you also tried any service that provides online food sales? Or are you just wondering how others feel about him? Take a look at the infographic and you will immediately be in the picture.

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