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What behaviors do you experience when your resilience is low?

What behaviors do you experience when your resilience is low? Moodiness: As resilience diminishes, there can be a change in our body’s hormones that causes mood swings. It is also very hard to control our emotions. We can experience extreme highs and lows, sometimes several times a day.

Overreaction to Normal Stress

When a car cuts us off on the highway, most of us are slightly annoyed. A person with low resilience may overreact and become enraged. I’m an avid scuba diver, which is a mildly stressful sport. When my resilience was low, I struggled because my anxiety was so much greater than normal which meant I used my air too quickly and was unable enjoy the dive. I was overreacting to the normal stress of diving.

Trouble Sleeping Trouble sleeping is extremely

common among people with low resilience. Many of us focus on how to sleep better without realizing that instead we need to enhance our overseas chinese in usa data resilience. For two years after leaving Iraq, I rarely slept more than 4 hours per week. I thought it was just part of growing old but once I bounced back, I started sleeping much better and when my resilience is high, I sleep great.

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Low resilience has a significant impact on our memories.

I studied French right after I left Iraq and it was horrible. It was impossible for me to remember the vocabulary I needed to learn and I failed in my the third trick is that a larger font “increases” the price as well studies. Luckily, as my resilience improved, so did my memory. Risky Behavior: When our resilience is low, we tend to lose some social control and may find ourselves over drinking, spending too much, or taking reckless risks in relationships.

The most troubling characteristic of low resilience

the lack of a vision for the future. This can tg data sometimes evolve into despair. This makes it hard to plan and problem solve and can manifest as cynicism and a lack of caring. By understanding these characteristics, you can look for these behaviors in yourself or ask a trusted friend or family member to help identify the behaviors, and get a sense of your own resilience on any given day.

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