Home » What does mascot mean and how mascot characters help brands sell

What does mascot mean and how mascot characters help brands sell

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For variety, the verbal introduction

To the brand can be embellish with a cute animal, a funny little man, a good-natur uncle. To what image would you compare your product? Today how to integrate telegram with your website for better marketing results we want to tell you about an image that is drawn not for fun, but because it is a component of marketing design. Its name is mascot. We meet it in everyday life, associate it with certain brands, experience different feelings, watching animat marketing heroes. Mascot – what is it? In simple terms, it is a kind of talisman of a company, event, brand.

Mascotte, loosely translat from French

Means “someone who brings good luck.” It allows you to stand out from other companies and sticks in people’s minds. These images become an integral bulk lead part of the brand. A good example is Mr. Proper of Procter & Gamble or everyone’s favorite Olympic Bear. The following main types of mascots are distinguish : people – real ones, various superheroes, fictional ones; animals, such as the Duracell rabbit; items (Moidodyr from the manufacturer “Myth”); food, like Khlopushki from “Lyubyatovo.

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