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What happen in that period from

Why the North? Are you from there? For some reason, I felt terribly awkward, and I couldn’t tell a stranger that my parents met before a joint kayaking trip in Karelia, that when I was five I saw “Sannikov Land” and disappear, that my favorite book in early childhood was.

“In Different Lands,”

Where the pages were full of images of beard explorers in sweaters, rocks, birds, lighthouses, seals. I simply couldn’t grow up to be any other person. Tamara Azarova, founder of the brands “Khton” and “Kalevala” But after the defense.

My friend, having learn about this, said:

“Next time when ask “Are you from there?” answer “No, I’m going there!”” And these words of his turn out to be prophetic. – That’s true. 2015 to 2020, when you hadn’t yet discover textiles? For five years I was simultaneously sewing vk database to order, so that “Kalevala” would be the way I want it, so as not to compromise with customers.


special data


It was a completely creative project

Free from any hope of profitability. Later it became clear that it was time to either transfer the “parallel” individual tailoring (these were wding and evening dresses) to some more serious level, or take a leap into the void, but believe that what I really love will help me not to die of hunger. All this somehow coincid with the practical mastery discuss popular lead magnet options of hand printing, that very competition in.

The Museum of Decorative and Appli

Arts and a trip to Orel for three weeks, after which I return home to pack my things for the move. And then “Chthon” began? – Yes. It almost completely consum my free time, leaving only a little bit for communication with my husband and daughter and for nightly attempts not to abandon the dissertation. It is very difficult for me to run Kalevala in usa data parallel, but things under this sign continue to appear, and I love this project with all my heart.

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