This post was originally written by Gabriel Schuler in Portuguese and contains adaptations made by the author for the Latin American and Spanish markets.
Learn what the conversion rate is and learn how to calculate it efficiently. Improve your marketing strategy for positive results.
Companies consider conversion rate as a key metric to evaluate their real communication power on websites or specific pages.
Also, there are those who prefer to use this clear information to define the goals of a sales team or an e-commerce .
And there are those
Who do not look at this data or consult it once a year, do not fully understand its importance or even do not know how to measure it.
But in the end, is it really so important to measure this data? Where does it lead us and how can I use it to my advantage?
We will answer these questions here and even open a space to discuss the topic.
Start reading!
What is the Conversion Rate?
The conversion rate is a widely us metric to measure mint database results, essential in Digital Marketing. An example is the lead conversion rate , where to calculate it, you just divide the conversions on a page by its audience.
For example: 300 convert leads / 1,000 visitors * 100 = 30% lead conversion rate.
The purpose of this metric is to understand the performance of each investment made by your company, whether in terms of time, money or sales .
But it can also be a good way to measure the results of your digital marketing strategy
From simply filling out a form, to requesting a quote, to subscribing to a newsletter .
Understanding your conversion rate is important as it price tricks in marketing provides clarity on the efficiency and maturity of your website, making it highly relevant to assessing overall business results.
The conversion rate can be calculat at all stages of the sales funnel , offering a diagnosis that identifies potential bottlenecks and weak points in the strategy.
If you want to improve conversion rates in your funnel, from attracting visitors to your website to closing sales, I invite you to check out the blog: Conversion Rate: How to Optimize the Entire Sales Funnel.
What is sales conversion rate?
This indicator not only helps us evaluate and understand fans data the performance of marketing actions, but also measures the sales process in converting potential customers into real customers.
This is calculat by dividing the number of conversions (sales) by the total number of visitors or contacts.