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When to use them

If you want to notify certain customers of exclusivity or special promotions

-To strengthen the purchase journey in the sales funnel

-The personaliz invitation to an event

-Content update with certain subscribers


In itself, the difference between these two WhatsApp features is focus on privacy and interaction.

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CAC: What is Customer Acquisition Cost, how to architect database calculate it and ruce it
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the set of investments made to convince a Lead to become a customer. In this post, we will explain how to calculate it through the Lifetime value

architect database
Alexander Russo


Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the sum of investments made in marketing and sales divid by the number of customers gain in the same period. It is an essential metric for measuring the financial health of a company.

Referrals and networking. In my professional experience, these us to the elements of your marketing plan be the two main sources of clients for companies in any sector. A happy client referring another client and contact made at an event or course are excellent sources.

Do you think so too? So far, so good.


The problem starts when these are the only sources of new customers. Why? Because they cost too much!

As a business manager, have you already written down how much you would be willing to pay for a new client? The problem with not knowing how much you are spending on a prospect is not knowing if that client is worth it. And that can be dangerous for your business. The result can be a company full of clients, an exhaust you, and accounts that are almost always static or negative.

Here are some concepts and tips that can help fans data you in your search for new practices. Let’s start with the Cost of Acquisition.

What is Customer Acquisition Cost?
Here at RD Station , we work a lot with the concept of Cost of Acquisition (CAC). It is an essential financial concept for the health of a company and fully applicable to the B2B and B2C business model.

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