Home » The method does not allow filling the list with impossible tasks

The method does not allow filling the list with impossible tasks

Usually, everyone works in order from the largest task to the smallest. But here, too, you can maneuver. Some people like to start with the easy ones – it charges them with motivation and helps them catch the right mood. If an employee is more comfortable working at this pace, and at the same time, he meets deadlines, you should not force him to change the order. The 1-3-5 method is suitable for both work and personal matters.

Therefore, you can safely include some household

Tasks in the list. This is especially useful for those who work a lot and romania phone number library relax little. You can add a little life to your work routine: take a walk with a colleague over a cup of coffee or watch a new movie. Let pleasant things also be part of the tasks. This approach helps to establish a balance between work and life. For example, if an employee wants to start doing sports, read more, study a new direction, but can’t find time because of work, suggest adding these tasks to the list. This way, he will plan his time wisely and will keep the tasks in focus throughout the day.

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Household chores like “wash dishes” or “take apart

The drying board” should be entered with caution. They can take up half the list and leave no room for higher priority tasks. Don’t waste space on things you’ll do out of habit anyway. Pros documentation and knowledge bases to and cons of the 1-3-5 technique Like every technique, this method has its own advantages and disadvantages. What are the advantages? Less procrastination Large lists confuse with the need to choose.

You have to mentally evaluate priorities, compare, distribute

This takes a lot of resources, the brain resists making difficult choices and buy lead goes into procrastination. The “1-3-5” method eliminates such a choice, helps to set priorities correctly from the very beginning and avoid a stupor when answering the question “What to do first?” Satisfaction with the result. It makes it easier to correctly assess your strengths and outline the boundaries around the most important tasks. With the “1-3-5” method, you avoid a situation where an employee only manages to do half of the 15 planned tasks and gets upset. Often, uncompleted tasks on the list lead to feelings of guilt.

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