Home » 5 good reasons to train in data professions

5 good reasons to train in data professions

If the first users of big data were social mia platforms, with tools that allow professionals to track, analyze and sell more products, it is now infus into the heart of all fields. This is one of its main assets: data has a very large number of applications and offers meaningful jobs.

Data addresses major issues and challenges in our society. Choosing a career in these professions allows you to make yourself truly useful with concrete examples, particularly in health or to find solutions in the fight against climate change, explains Frédéric Rouby, co-founder and director of the PMN School (Passerelle des Métiers du Numérique) which is part of the Fitec Group .

As future digital talents are increasingly looking for a meaningful career, to have a concrete impact in their professional lives, many examples exist, as the director of the PMN School reminds us.

We have a French startup that won

an award for developing systems to ruce kidney transplant rejection using data. Or a student from our school who carri out a project for the Société du Canal de Provence, where she reli on image analysis to optimize irrigation.

2. Integrate an accessible and growing sector
While the beginnings of big data in 2008-2009 correspond to an experimental phase, the technologies have laos whatsapp number data develop and have now become much more advanc, with more accessible tools, in order to help optimize performance. They continue to improve, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence.

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At the technological level, we can say that data is increasingly intertwin with artificial intelligence. Data is integrat directly into the operations and business processes of companies. This is why they ne experts who master these technical solutions to implement their projects.

Another advantage offer by data

professions: an environment that is constantly evolving and constantly renewing itself. ” It’s an ideal field if you’re looking for something new ,” confirms Frédéric Rouby. ” Technology is evolving fully trust that this research very quickly and constantly .” Players that we didn’t know about a few years ago, such as OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, have appear and have become essential on AI issues.

It’s a field where you never get bor, where you learn every day. You’re challeng and you often question yourself. Even cz lists if this is already the case in digital in general, I find that it’s even more so with data professions.


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