An affiliate program is a form of cooperation between two people, who may be: on one side the owner of the store, the author of the product, and on the other side the owner of the website where the product is promot.
The owner of the website on which
The product is promot earns a certain commission from the store or author for selling the product from his or her recommend link.
While many people wonder how it all works, the affiliate program is actually quite simple.
The buyer decides to make a purchase online
Goes to affiliate website.
You are rirect to the store page.
He makes a purchase and the person in the affiliate program receives a commission.
The most popular question that comes up among people interest in how affiliate programs work is relat to how companies check who rirect traffic and therefore who should receive compensation for promoting their products. The answer is simple – by tracking the URL. What does it really mean? Tracking, or assigning a promotion to a specific partner, is possible thanks to the unique link receiv by him.
URL allows you to track all traffic that is rirect from your website
Affiliate programs are a good solution for sites that have a good reputation on the Internet, as well as a lot of traffic. Then we only provide a turkey email list link to the product, and for each sale we receive a commission.
In the affiliate program
Both parties benefit from the sale. The author of the product, thanks to the promotion of it by people, has to sell more units than through only university website design: social mia his own site or one publishing house.
Affiliate programs are one of the Internet marketing tools that are most often settl bas on the effects of the advertising campaign conduct. The afb directory remuneration for the participant of the affiliate program therefore depends on their involvement and is most often a commission.