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Base keyword research on different sources

The keyword search process is iterative and can be somewhat chaotic if you don’t find mechanisms that help you generate a final list. What is interesting in this process is that you can rely on different sources and not limit yourself to just one.

Rely on logic and intuition if

You have done your job well in defining objectives and have agre with the client (if it is not you yourself) where there is a ne or an opportunity to improve the positioning of your site, you could start with those keywords that are more logical and focus on a topic.

Look at the competition:

Browse the websites of your direct competitors and find out which keywords are relat to your target search: Which ones are they betting on? Which ones are they working on the most? Obviously, don’t just stop at this research, because their ios database strategy might not be well focus.
Research the SERPs: identify which are the frequently ask questions in the search results, which similar searches.


special data

Google suggests, and which

Businesses are ranking and the type of content they offer. Choose from a variety of tools: Ideally, you shouldn’t base your keyword research on just one. Take your keywords from more than a couple of tools if possible. There are many the price also has a number of variables: available (even free ones): Google Ads Keyword Planner; Answer the Public, Keywords PeopleUse and/or Keywordtool; Sistrix, Semrush and/or Ahrefs; and others you may be familiar with.

Group keywords by patterns

To create coherent ones relat to the business: {type of land} + {city}.
When you make this list, don’t forget to indicate the volume of traffic, the affinity to your site or the difficulty of positioning or how competitive it may snbd host be to begin to establish inclusion or elimination thresholds. This will allow you to narrow down your list and keep those that.

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