Home » Copywriting on Facebook and Instagram: How to compose text for different channels

Copywriting on Facebook and Instagram: How to compose text for different channels

There are several types of copywriting for different purposes and each is different from the other. Copywriting for social networks , which has its own specifics, is no exception . In today’s article, we will analyze the principles of writing texts on the social networks Facebook and Instagram .

How to post on Facebook

Facebook is probably still the most popular and used social network in our area for marketing purposes. How to write text on Facebook to make it interesting?

1. Write concisely, clearly and original
Although combining these three principles may seem like a difficult task, after a little practice it becomes easy. Users go to Facebook mainly because they want  poland whatsapp number data to have fun . Therefore, do not write too much, because no one will read long texts (although of course there are exceptions). Try to write lightly, wittily and briskly . Your message should briefly convey essential information and at the same time be interesting and entertaining.

2. Ask people questions


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At Facebook, we are primarily interested in getting users to engage and respond to our posts . Asking questions works well in such a case . Do you sell home accessories? Ask users what they like to eat for breakfast and which room in the apartment is their favorite. Be original to keep visitors interested and have a reason to respond to your post.


TIP : When asking a question on Facebook, think: Is there a clear and concise answer for it? If not, don’t expect much response.

3. Give people clear instructions on what to do
Even asking questions on Facebook has its specifics. In order for people to really respond to you, you need to give them clear instructions about what you want from them.

What is wrong:

“TEXT OF POST. Do you agree?’

People don’t know what to do and how to show their  price tricks in marketing consent. They might like you, but most of them will read the post without reacting.
What is good:

In this case, people immediately know what you want from them. If they agree with you, they will give you a like.

Other examples:

Check out other ways to engage Facebook users. Popular questions include, for example:

“Do you have someone you want to share this experience with? Tag him in the comments!”

“Will you choose option A, B, or C? Tell us in the comments!”

“Which option is yours? Vote with emoticons!”

4. Avoid sales texts
If you only share advertising on your social profile, you will not have much success . Facebook is no longer just an outlet for sales texts, and perhaps no one goes tha material data  route anymore. Most of the posts on Facebook should be relaxing and fun , only sometimes a few sales texts can appear among them. If users aren’t having fun on your Facebook profile, they simply won’t respond to it.
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How to write on Instagram

Although Instagram is primarily about photos, which play prim, we should not forget about copywriting here either.

1. Use relevant #hashtags
A single hashtag can increase engagement by 12.6% . The right hashtags will get your post to a larger audience, and thus you can get more “hearts” and new followers . If you’re not familiar with hashtags, put a hashtag (#) in the search box and start typing your keyword. Instagram itself will tell you which connections you can use and which are the most popular. But mainly use hashtags sensibly . Such a hashtag #coffee appears so many times in a minute that your photo will soon disappear in the bowels of Instagram.

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