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Hackers are more sophisticated against online transactions

To prevent hacker attacks on online transactions, they recommend, among other actions, validating email addresses and web pages, as well as not sharing information.
The security of online transactions is a concern for business owners given the level of sophistication that cybercriminals have reach in their attempts to defraud.

According to Alberto España, chief executive officer of the cybersecurity and fraud prevention company Solver4, he mention three actions that hackers carry out :

Attack from different IP addresses around the world
Attack with the same cards up to 100 times
Tricking an insider into selling you data
“Hackers can generate multiple cards, guess the card numbers, bypass the algorithms, and it is not just the merchant or the user against the criminals in Mexico, it is against the criminals in the Unit States, Brazil, China, Russia, Spain, it is a continuous fight and the level of sophistication has grown,” stress Spain.

How to protect yourself?

To protect transactions in a denmark whatsapp number data digital world, Alejandra Rodríguez, senior director of Merchants and Acquirers Mexico, mention the importance of validating email addresses and websites.

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“Emails should come from addresses that are not imitat, because they often have subtle errors, so it is important that every time you receive an email you see where it comes from, always checking the URL in the browser to make sure you are on the correct website.

“If there are links to a site, it is important to check that it is actually rirecting to that location. Because they can put advertising and rirect you to places that are not the original ones,” Rodríguez recommend.

Other aspects to review

especially when it comes to emails or messages on mobile phones, are spelling and the third trick is that a larger font “increases” the price as well writing. Since most fraud attempts come with errors of this type. Which indicates that it is not a formal communication from a cmo email list brand, corporation or company.

To ensure greater security in financial transactions carri out on mobile phones. It is important to use strong passwords, as well as the two-factor authentication that the device or application itself has.

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