Home » How to choose the most important communication tasks of the website?

How to choose the most important communication tasks of the website?

The digital world is a space of endless replications. It’s never been easier to create them — to create and create again. People really like to publish, but they really don’t like to delete. This causes websites to become overloaded and redesigns inevitable. The most visible layers get a shiny new coat of graphics and inconsequential content — but underneath it’s just piles of outdated, poorly organized information.

The solution is to make a difficult decision and resort to Top Tasks Management. Top jobs here are the small set of jobs (usually less than ten, often less than five) that customers care about the most. When you make these jobs work well, you’re on the right track. If they don’t work well, you will probably lose a customer.

Top task management is a model that says: “focus on what really matters (top tasks) and push away everything that matters less (mini tasks)”.

The so-called “tiny tasks” are a nightmare for web teams. They look innocent enough on their own. After all, it’s just one extra page, just one extra link, just one extra image. But just as nothing killed a donkey a hundred times, so many mini tasks put together will kill many web professionals.

Mini tasks are full of asserting organizational ego. And often this inverse relationship happens.

The more important the task is to the customer, the less content is produced for it; the less important the task is to the customer, the more content is produced for it.

Identifying top tasks

The purpose of top task management is to reduce complexity, to identify what really matters most to customers. The process of identifying these tasks includes the following steps:

Involve the entire organization in the process of gathering customer tasks.
Collaborate with key contractors to arrive at a shortlist of candidates for top jobs.
Obtain a representative sample philippines phone number data of customer choices.
Create a leaderboard of tasks, a table containing the order of tasks from the one that received the most votes to the one that received the least votes.

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Step 1: gathering a long list of potential jobs
Use the task-gathering process to get outside of the organization’s mindset and into the customer’s mentality and world. Actively involve key suppliers in this process. This can be a great way to tap into what the entire organization thinks about what customers want to do , rather than what the organization wants customers to do.

Use as much data as possible when

Gthering a list of customer tasks. For customer tasks, you can use, for example, these common data sources:

Corporate philosophy: strategy, mission what behaviors do you experience when your resilience is low? and goals of the corporation.
Customer feedback (feedback): survey results, what they often need help with, insight from support and service teams.
Outsourcer reviews: talk to key cg leads outsourcers and ask them which customer.

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