Home » Voice search will change the digital marketing landscape

Voice search will change the digital marketing landscape

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in April 2019. It was updated with additional content in September 2021.

In recent years, voice search has been dominating the online search landscape. It is convenient for many as it allows the everyday user to speak into their devices instead of entering keywords into their queries to get answers.

Voice Search Usage Statistics

According to PwC , 65% of people between the ages of 25-49 speak poland whatsapp number data into their voice-enabled devices at least once a day. Voice recognition on our devices has become extremely complex and accurate. While voice search has been around for a while and is not a completely new concept, in recent years we have seen a remarkable technological advancement with the introduction of voice assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, and Siri.


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Mobile users are adopting voice search more quickly – in fact, they are three times more likely to do so. Currently, around 31% of mobile users worldwide use voice search more than once a week. The price tricks in marketing majority of these users (just over half) are under 18 years of age.

The development of voice search
It is estimated that around half of all Google searches are done resource data by voice. The growing adoption of this search method is partly due to the fact that its accuracy is increasing. According to Google, voice searches are 95% accurate .

Voice Search Demographics

Global smart speaker sales reached an impressive 150 million units in 2020. Additionally, 27% of the global online population is using voice search on their mobile device. Both of these metrics are trending upward. By 2020, the number of households owning a smart speaker had skyrocketed to 50% of households in the country with a broadband connection.

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