Home » 3 principles when writing emails. Do you know these effective methods?

3 principles when writing emails. Do you know these effective methods?

The goal of every email marketer is to send emails that sell. But you will hardly achieve this if you go into their creation “on autopilot”. You don’t need to be a professional copywriter to write successful emails. You just need to know some effective methods that will help you eliminate the usual flaws.

So what are the good things to follow when writing e-mails?

What the sender name should look like

The sender is absolutely crucial for conversion rate mexico whatsapp number data s ( open rate or click-through rate ). Recipients are generally much more willing to open an email from a real person , even if they don’t know the person. Of course, if they know the sender, the conversion of the message is even better.

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So which 6 principles are good to follow when creating a sender name?

In most cases, it is preferable to use a person’s name , not an impersonal designation. Better than “Reception Manager” is perhaps “Adela from the reception”.
Avoid excessive formality . You won’t impress anyone with titles, numbers and different characters in email marketing. In addition, many email clients block strange-looking senders as spam.
To prevent your bulk e-mails from ending up in the spa i don’t have that magic touch m folder, also test whether they pass the anti-spam check .
Adapt the sender to the target group and the situation:Do you send a welcome email after registration? Thank people on behalf of the company director.
Do you send out a newsletter about news in your app? Customer support is offered as a suitable sender.
Match the sender to the nature of the subject line and follow material data  -up text. If the casual tone of communication and the name of an authoritative person do not “fit” together, change one of these elements.
If the recipient does not know you or the set sender, attach an explanation . Instead of simple “Eva”, “Eva ze Bčeliště” is more suitable.

The name of the sender gives a more personal impression  and, in the case of a well-known person, is even more tempting to open.

Basic rules for writing e-mails

There is only one rule to follow to write effective emails that will be successful. The so-called “rule of 1” includes the following 3 steps:

Each email has only one destination.
Each element in an email has a single role.
Each email communicates with a single person.

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