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Project Manager: Skills, Knowledge and Career Path

A project manager is a person who leads and manages projects that people work on together. In the IT industry, startups and companies will not be able to successfully launch their websites, applications or services without such a specialist.

In construction the presence of such

a professional is necessary for the successful completion of, for example, the construction of a house. In business, he helps save and earn money, monitors the distribution of the budget and the successful completion of tasks.

The essence of the work of a project manager
The essence of the work of a project manager
What is the job of a project manager, in short? His task is to organize chaos, to make it into a clear and manageable process. He coordinates all stages of an IT project: from the emergence of an idea to control and completion.

In different project management systems, the names of the stages may differ, but each has five main stages: concept, plan development, execution, monitoring, and completion. Let’s look at them step by step using the example of a project manager in the IT sphere.

Stage Project Manager Tasks
Concept Interacts lebanon whatsapp number data with the client: discusses and clarifies what exactly needs to be implemented in the project, including budget, design and other aspects.

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Developing a plan Determines the timing and methods of project implementation.
Implementation (implementation) The team consistently carries out the planned work, and the project manager accepts the final results of the work.
Control (monitoring) Organizes and monitors product test runs to ensure that the product functions properly and meets customer requirements.
Completion Completes the project, hands it over to the client and receives feedback from him.

An additional but no less important

function of the project manager is team support. He tries to evenly distribute tasks feedback can be a two-way street too between team members, maintains an optimal work rhythm, defines priority goals, requests missing information from the client, if necessary. The manager monitors the emotional cg leads state of the team to prevent possible psychological burnout and eliminate its negative consequences on the final result of the project.

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