Home » What should you check for SEO analysis?

What should you check for SEO analysis?

Have you read our previous article about tools suitable for creating SEO analysis ? If not, I highly recommend you read it. Thanks to it, you can get to know a huge number of new tools suitable for SEO  analysis (416 of them are recommended in total). Today’s post is a continuation of it.

1. Rapid collection of initial data

Annie Cushing , an internet marketing expert , published not only a table of great tools , but an equally high-quality ” checklist ” of activities that an SEO consultant should perform as part of an SEO analysis . 356 questions about SEO analysis await you . As with the previous singapore whatsapp number data  article, I would like to introduce you to the individual parts and highlight some points of interest in them. Let’s get to it.


Before starting the actual SEO analysis, it is often necessary to get a quick overview of the project. Do you know what you should definitely monitor?

Google Webmaster Tools will help you detect significant errors
Crawl the site with Screaming Frog
Don’t forget to find out the keywords the site is ranking for and the related competition. You can use the tools SEMRush or Keyword Spy, for example


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2. Accessibility
In the Accessibility section, Annie has prepared 43 que what behaviors do you experience when your resilience is low? stions for you to ask yourself when researching accessibility. For example, check these points?

Does your site contain malware ?
Have you converted the contents of the PDF files to HTML as well?
If the site uses  AJAX , is the AJAX content indexed?
Does the site contain any links to non-existent ( 404 ) pages?
If so, does the site use a modified 404 page so that  spam data visitors can find their way around quickly and not leave the site right away?

Have you compared your main page speed to your competition?

3. Site structure
In this category, Annie Cushing presents us with 18 questions  she asks herself when solving the design and analysis of the structure of the researched site.

Is the organization of the site intuitively designed? ( Bing Webmaster Tools’ Index Explorer can be a good tool to explore, for example .)
Does each category and subcategory have a clear purpose?
Is the number of categories on the site ideal? Are there too many or too few?
Are pages targeting highly competitive keywords closer than two clicks from the landing page?
Does the site use ” Tiny Navigation “?
If so, does the micro-navigation match  the site’s main navigation?

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